Stetson Universoty Chamber Orchestra

Stetson Universoty Chamber Orchestra


Within a four-year period, the STETSON UNIVERSITY CHAMBER ORCHESTRA plays a representative cross-section of the string orchestra repertoire from the 17th century to the present day. The orchestra is committed to the performance of contemporary music both by internationally known composers as well as members of the Stetson University student body. In 2006 and 2015 the orchestra went on highly successful concert tours of England and Wales and returns to Beaumaris as part of its third UK tour.

O fewn cyfnod o bedair blynedd, mae’r GERDDORFA SIAMBR PRIFYSGOL STETSON yn chwarae trawstoriad o repertoire y gerddorfa linynnol o’r 17eg ganrif hyd heddiw. Mae’n bwysig iawn i’r gerddorfa bod cerddoriaeth gyfoes yn cael ei chwarae, boed hynny gan gyfansoddwyr sy’n cael eu hadnabod yn rhyngwladol neu gan fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Stetson. Yn 2006 a 2015 aeth y gerddorfa ar deithiau cyngerdd llwyddiannus o gwmpas Lloegr a Chymru.

Violin / Ffidil I

Isabelle Palmer*
Jaida Hawkins*
Gabriella Martinez*
Amanda Parrish*
Emily Palmer
Korah Cuff
Juliana Parra-Ocampo
Alessandro Capitano

Violin / Ffidil II

Zachary Foss+
Rebecca Nolasco+
Katerina Rancano
Isabelle Ghofrani
Julie Di Lecce
Nathan Clifford

Viola / Fiola

Shilpa Ravoory+
Kristian Gonzalez+
Zaria Graves+
Saranyut Ike Sae-Tang
Abigail Goodin

Cello / Sorddgrwth

Megan Savage+
Jean-Marie Glazer+
Jonathan Dills+


César Olmeda+
Dillon Wilson+


Jacob LyteHaven

* Co-leader/Arweinydd ar y cyd
+ Co-principal/Pennaeth ar y cyd