Jeremy Huw Williams
The Welsh baritone JEREMY HUW WILLIAMS studied at St. John's College, Cambridge, at the National Opera Studio, and with April Cantelo. He made his debut with Welsh National Opera as Guglielmo (Così Fan Tutte) and has since appeared in more than 60 operatic roles. He has given performances at major venues in Europe, North and South America, Australia, China and Hong Kong, and has given recitals at the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room, and at many major music festivals. He frequently records for BBC Radio 3 (in recital, and with all of the BBC orchestras), and has made many commercial recordings, including ten solo discs of songs. Jeremy is the recipient of the inaugural Sir Geraint Evans Award from the Welsh Music Guild (2004), an Honorary Fellowship from Glyndŵr University (2009), and the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Music from Aberdeen University (2011).
Yn faritôn o Gymru, fe astudiodd JEREMY HUW WILLIAMS yng Ngholeg Sant Ioan, Caergrawnt, yn y National Opera Studio, a chydag April Cantelo. Fe ddechreuodd ei yrfa gyda Chwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn canu rhan Guglielmo (Così Fan Tutte), ac ers hynny mae wedi canu mwy na thrigain o rannau operatig. Mae wedi perfformio mewn neuaddau yn Ne a Gogledd America, Awstralia, Tsieina, Hong Kong, ac yn y rhan fwyaf o wledydd Ewrop. Mae wedi rhoi datganiadau yn Neuadd Wigmore ac yn Ystafell Purcell, ac mewn nifer o wyliau cerddorol nodedig. Mae wedi recordio'n aml ar gyfer BBC Radio 3 (mewn datganiadau unigol, a chyda holl gerddorfeydd y BBC), ac wedi cwblhau nifer o recordiadau masnachol, gan gynnwys deg disg unawdol o ganeuon. Derbyniodd Wobr Syr Geraint Evans gan Gymdeithas Cerddoriaeth Cymru (2004), Cymrodoriaeth er Anrhydedd gan Brifysgol Glyndŵr (2009), a Doethuriaeth mewn Cerddoriaeth er Anrhydedd gan Brifysgol Aberdeen (2011).